Mr. Willis Okello Ombai is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Water Sector
Trust Fund (WaterFund), having joined the Organization in September 2015 as
Chief Manager, Investments and Programmes. After holding the CEO's
position in an acting capacity from February 2022, he was appointed
substantive CEO in March 2023.
Mr. Ombai is a Development Expert with a bias in Natural Resource Management
and with over 20 years’ experience in various countries in Africa serving in different
capacities. He holds Masters of Arts Degree in Project Planning and Management
from Maseno University, Bachelor of Science Degree in Forestry from Moi
University. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D in Environment Policy from University of
Mr. Ombai has extensive experience in management of development projects
financed by the Government of Kenya, bilateral, global and national agencies
including Word Bank, European Union, DANIDA, German Development Bank,
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), The Gates Foundation,
Government of Sweden, and the Government of Finland.
In his previous portfolio as Chief Manager, Investments and Programmes, Mr.
Ombai’s key role was overall supervision of implementation of WaterFund
programmes, where he led in development of short to long term investment
strategies. Additionally, Mr. Ombai has overseen the implementation of the Result
Based Financing Programmes in which the WaterFund subsidizes Utilities for loans
accessed from local commercial banks, for bankable water and sanitation projects.
Mr. Ombai is a member of Forestry Society of Kenya, Environmental Institute of
Kenya and Institute of Directors (Kenya).